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News — English

My top five Artemano picks for spring

About English

My top five Artemano picks for spring

‘Tis the season of transformation. Snow is melting, making way for green grass to emerge; trees are budding; the mornings are brighter and the days are longer. As the outdoor world is going through its metamorphosis, I have the urge to change things up indoors. I’m not referring to a major makeover. What I’m in the mood for is the inclusion of accessories and of small pieces of furniture that can inject a breath of fresh air into my home. So today I share with you my top five Artemano picks that are not only my favourite for the season,...

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Imperfect, beautiful and brave.

About English

Imperfect, beautiful and brave.

LEONARD COHEN. "Ring the bells that still can ring  Forget your perfect offering  There is a crack, a crack in everything  That's how the light gets in." -from Anthem, by Leonard Cohen In the beginning, we sought perfection. We tried to flatten curves, sand away knots, conceal any grain that dared to stand out. Natural meant imperfect: wood had to be disciplined and nature had to be restrained. Don’t-stand-out-ness was our goal, because we sought the perfect offering. And the wood fought back. We spent a lot of time trying to turn what was unique in our wood into something...

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Making Space for Zen

English Lifestyle

Making Space for Zen

I’ve been vacationing on a tiny island in Newfoundland lately—a pebble off the Rock. Between hiking hilltop trails bordered by wild flowers and berries and sitting on the beach watching icebergs drift by, I’ve been feeling so calm and centred that I’m in no rush to return to my everyday life. But the deep relaxation you feel breathing in evergreen-scented air or listening to waves lap doesn’t need to be reserved for the great outdoors. While you might associate your home with the myriad activities of life, it’s possible to create quiet, nature-inspired zones there that soothe and ground you....

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Indonesia: Into the mystic

English Lifestyle

Indonesia: Into the mystic

An Indonesian “thank you” is usually followed by a joyous singsong “sama samaaaaa” – you’re welcome.  Pronounced as though the words themselves are upturned, this lyrical, celebratory signoff punctuates almost every exchange.  Indonesia is a place where words smile, where people smile with their entire being, and where we at Artemano can’t help but beam.  Our search for inspiration and for new product is fueled as much by wanderlust as it is by lumberlust.  And this mystic land of active volcanoes does not disappoint.  Wood worthy of a second life abounds all over this archipelago of over 17 000 islands.  From...

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Fall colours

About English

Fall colours

Fall is definitely here and winter is just around the corner! As much as I would like to say that I love all seasons equally, I can’t because it’s not the truth! I love the heat and sun, and I dread the cold months. The only thing that makes the cold bearable are the cozy fabrics, colors and décor that comes with it.   This season’s hottest colors are neutrals and deep tones which are being used hand in hand with vibrant and bright colors to create rooms you don’t mind staying in for.   Grey and “greige” are still...

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