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News — English

Nature's imprint

About English

Nature's imprint

As with everything in nature, we are all one of a kind. Our unique characteristics and personalities separate us from others and make us special in our own way. Consider our own skin as a way of storytelling; each line and fold represents countless facial expressions used throughout the years. The fine lines of our skin contribute to our defining features creating layers of uniqueness and history to our life. Amazingly, nature is very similar. The history and grain of wood is a neat comparison to the facial lines and folds of our skin. Each one of its components tells...

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Bringing the outdoors inside

English Lifestyle

Bringing the outdoors inside

1) What are the benefits of bringing the outdoors inside? I love being outdoors; it refreshes and re-energizes me. As a writer, I spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, and I find that if I get up a couple of times a day and take a stroll around the park, I come back with a clearer head and fresh focus. From what I’ve been reading, I’m not alone — there is all sorts of evidence now that being out of doors in the environment is good for our physical and emotional health. 2) Where did this idea originate?...

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artemano love stories

English Lifestyle

artemano love stories

As Valentine’s Day rounds the corner it’s quite remarkable that the holiday dates as far back as the 3rd century.  Rooted in complex history that is deeply interlaced with myth, this so-called day of love started off quite differently compared to the commercial phenomenon it is today. One legend claims that it was founded on the basis of a Roman priest, who apparently performed illegal marriages for young lovers during the time of Emperor Claudius. Others say that it began during the fertility festival of Lupercalia that was celebrated in Rome in honour of the god of agriculture, Faunus. After...

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Lighting As The Days Grow Longer

About English

Lighting As The Days Grow Longer

Picture 2 rooms. They both have a grey sofa, a cream-colored rug and red throw pillows. When you walk in the first room, it feels cold and empty. When you walk in the second, somehow it feels warm and inviting. You can’t quite explain why one feels better than the other, it just does.  That is the power of lighting! So, what does ‘properly lit’ mean?  The best way to light any room is by layering. Layering is mixing task lights (near a desk, above a kitchen island), accent or decorative lights (table lamps), and general lighting (pot lights). Having...

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Our home, our sanctuary

About English

Our home, our sanctuary

It’s simple — for us at Artemano being in nature and being surrounded by natural materials make us feel good. Like us, decor and design expert Vicky Sanderson also believes nature is essential to creating a serene home. She recently visited our store in Vaughan, north of Toronto, to share her ideas for making every corner of the home relaxing, a nature-inspired escape. “Natural, organic elements really remind people of the outdoors. They give them that calming feeling, but I also think that because these pieces are unique and they come from all over the world, they have a sense of...

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