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A Conversation with Shimon

About English

A Conversation with Shimon

What better way to learn about a brand than to return to its source and explore its roots? I had the opportunity to do just that by accompanying Shimon Finkelstein on visits to a few of his Artemano boutiques. This was only the second time we were meeting, after a brief introduction and quick sit down a few days earlier. I didn’t know what to expect, but within the span of half an hour we hit it off and, I felt like we were connecting as if we were old friends. From the get-go Shimon was intriguing. Soft-spoken and calm...

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De table en table: un tour gourmand du Plateau Mont-Royal

Foodies French

De table en table: un tour gourmand du Plateau Mont-Royal

Montréal est un paradis pour les gourmets, et aucun autre endroit a plus à offrir que le Plateau Mont-Royal. Avec notre magasin situé directement sur le boulevard St-Laurent, nous sommes une partie intégrante de l’histoire riche de ce quartier depuis les cinq dernières années. Afin de célébrer l’amour que nous portons à notre foyer montréalais, nous avons rencontré le gourmet local et blogueur Dustin Gilman, c’est-à-dire Food Guy Montreal, pour une tournée gourmande de ses restaurants favoris situés sur les rues du Plateau. Nous avons rencontré Dustin par un samedi matin ensoleillé de septembre à notre boutique de la rue...

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Table Hopping: A Foodie Tour of the Plateau Mont Royal

English Foodies

Table Hopping: A Foodie Tour of the Plateau Mont Royal

Montreal is a haven for food-lovers, and nowhere has more to offer your palate than the Plateau Mont Royal. With our Montreal store right on St Laurent, we have been a part of the area’s vibrant history for the past five years. To celebrate our love for our Montreal home, we got together with local foodie and blogger, Dustin Gilman, AKA Food Guy Montreal, for a walking, tasting tour of his favourite Plateau eateries. We met Dustin early one sunny Saturday morning in September at our St Laurent store. With its low lighting and natural wood, we chatted about the...

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Recettes de Pâques

Foodies French

Recettes de Pâques

Sucré. Salé. Acide. Amer. Umami. Voici les composantes de certains des meilleurs moments de notre vie. Ce sont les saveurs de base à partir desquelles notre sens du goût se développe. Vous rappelez-vous vos repas les plus mémorables? Pensez à votre plat préféré et faites plus que le déguster : revisitez les émotions et les souvenirs qui font surface. Pensez à ces goûts que vous avez fini par apprivoiser, parce que quelqu’un a pris le temps de dompter votre palais en vous faisant goûter des olives ou du fromage âcre coulant… Peut-être était-ce par une belle soirée sur une île...

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Easter Recipes

English Foodies

Easter Recipes

Sweet. Sour. Salty. Bitter. Umami. These are the building blocks of some of the best moments of our lives and represent the primary types of taste upon which our sense of taste is built.   Can you remember the meals you have enjoyed most? Think about your favourite dish, and taste not just its flavours, but the emotions and memories it brings up.  Think about the tastes you had to acquire because someone took the time to tame your palate – maybe it was olives, and maybe you made peace with them one evening on an island in Greece. Maybe...

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