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News — Lifestyle

Beauty in imperfection

English Lifestyle

Beauty in imperfection

At nineteen years old I stood on the rooftop of a “pensione” in Florence, Italy looking at the buildings across from me. I stared at a plethora of crooked, colourful, weathered, wood shutters that prevented the late afternoon sun from entering the dwellings of those who lived across from where I stood. It was late June and I could feel the humidity stick to my skin. I stared in amazement because even though the sight before me was aged, damaged and flawed, all I saw was beauty.  Via That moment will be etched in my memory for as long...

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A tête-à-tête with Genevieve Borne

English Lifestyle

A tête-à-tête with Genevieve Borne

Photo courtesy Julien Laperriere Thirteen years ago, South East Asia captured Montreal-based television hostess, Geneviève Borne’s heart. When a Cambodian friend suggested they travel there together, Geneviève jumped at the opportunity. “I spent three weeks living with her family.  The Angkor temples remain one of the most beautiful sites I’ve seen in my life,” she told me in a recent tête-à-tête at our Montreal boutique. Since, Geneviève has remained drawn to the region. Lucky for her, as a documentarian for the television travel channel, Évasion, and as an ambassador for World Vision, she returns year after year.  And to this...

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Poetry, romanticism & Artemano

English Lifestyle

Poetry, romanticism & Artemano

The term romanticism was coined over 200 years ago, at the beginning of the 19th century. Artists wanted to steer away from the rigorous knowledge that was prevalent among the classical authors of the 12th century. Thus began an era of expressing the “self” in paintings, music, and literature, with a greater emphasis on intimacy, spirituality, a yearning for the infinite. And a desire to share moving stories once again, like in the old tales of chivalry which, back in medieval times, were lengthy and fabulous adventures worthy of being called romantic! Nowadays, the word romantic has a broader meaning,...

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Forever Romantic

English Lifestyle

Forever Romantic

Amidst heart-shaped chocolates, bouquets of flowers, glasses overflowing with champagne, fuzzy stuffed animals, romantic poems, sweet kisses and all other things that speak of love, we at Artemano are celebrating this Valentine’s Day, by honouring you.  Showing our community how much we love and appreciate you. To kick-off our Forever Romantic celebration we held special in-store events. This was an evening where customers were invited to come discover what Valentine’s Day means to us. Setting foot inside our boutiques, we hope you experienced firsthand the different ambiances we created in honour of this love-centric holiday. Whether through a love letter,...

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Mix and match

English Lifestyle

Mix and match

When I’m putting together a room, I like to mix things up. I love wooden pieces for their grounding qualities—think how relaxing it feels to walk through a forest. And when it comes to seating, I’m drawn to comfortable pieces in neutral colours, with simple, modern lines. Bringing those elements together in a space filled with natural light or strategically placed soothing light fixtures is my recipe for instant Zen. Artemano recently extended their range to include a new line of seating.  Their versatile sofas and armchairs are compatible with the different grains and shapes of wood lines found in...

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