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Forever Romantic

English Lifestyle

Amidst heart-shaped chocolates, bouquets of flowers, glasses overflowing with champagne, fuzzy stuffed animals, romantic poems, sweet kisses and all other things that speak of love, we at Artemano are celebrating this Valentine’s Day, by honouring you.  Showing our community how much we love and appreciate you.

Rose petals on an Artemano bed

To kick-off our Forever Romantic celebration we held special in-store events. This was an evening where customers were invited to come discover what Valentine’s Day means to us. Setting foot inside our boutiques, we hope you experienced firsthand the different ambiances we created in honour of this love-centric holiday. Whether through a love letter, forgotten on the desk of an office, perhaps written by a woman to her lover, or a dining room where the table was covered with rose petals, lit-up candles and a sole diamond ring in a box, signaling a proposal – we love evoking the essence of warmth and romance.  

With a glass of champagne and dessert in hand, customers enjoyed this intimate affair. They talked at length with each other and to us, clearly having fun. They lounged and perused. They took their time to take it all in; to touch, feel and sit in our one-of-a-kind pieces of handmade furniture. Many couples lingered, almost giving off the impression that they were on an actual date.  

And nothing could have made us happier than to see our customers interact and enjoy spending time with us; in our home, where what is dearest to our hearts is creating a space where the energy of love is almost palpable. We are grateful for the opportunity.

With our Forever Romantic event that we are holding not just today, but for the rest of the weekend, we encourage you to make the essence of Valentine’s Day last. Romance and love shouldn’t be celebrated just today. Rather, they should be celebrated always and forever.

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