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Poetry, romanticism & Artemano

English Lifestyle

The term romanticism was coined over 200 years ago, at the beginning of the 19th century. Artists wanted to steer away from the rigorous knowledge that was prevalent among the classical authors of the 12th century. Thus began an era of expressing the “self” in paintings, music, and literature, with a greater emphasis on intimacy, spirituality, a yearning for the infinite. And a desire to share moving stories once again, like in the old tales of chivalry which, back in medieval times, were lengthy and fabulous adventures worthy of being called romantic!

Nowadays, the word romantic has a broader meaning, but still conjures up certain themes that were near and dear to the original Romantic movement, such as sensitivity and reverie. In creating restful and meditative spaces, we, at Artemano, exude romanticism, past and present, which is reflected in our focus on nature, the exotic, and living “in the now”.


Love of nature

Emotional rather than intellectual, the romantic hero marvels at Mother Nature. Lord Byron (or George Gordon Byron), a remarkable poet associated with the Romantic Era, said it so well in his poetry: “There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more.” These words resonate with us, because we love to contemplate nature, which inspires and guides us, and has earned our respect and admiration.


A voyage of discovery

To track down rare woods for our furniture, we travel across distant lands, like India, Thailand or Indonesia. We are passionate about our search for new scents, new colours, and new cultures, just like the romantics were passionate about their journeys. And not unlike Baudelaire, who speaks of “the splendors of the Orient”, where “everything [whispers] secrets to the soul in its sweet mother tongue”.


Slow living

At the very core of Artemano’s philosophy is the idea of appreciating the here and now, seizing every opportunity to escape from it all and “just be”. As Henry David Thoreau wrote: “You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”

In many ways, romanticism is a part of us at Artemano. But we also bring new meaning to the word. While romanticism once had a connotation of melancholy, here at Artemano, it evokes a sense of well-being.




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