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The Artemano buckwheat noodle salad.

English Foodies

The Artemano buckwheat noodle salad.

It’s amazing how recipe inspiration can come from all walks of life, including home décor. Recently I’ve been inspired by the organic, raw and nature-rooted furniture that Artemano sources in South East Asia. The scents and smells of Thailand had me devise this recipe for the Artemano buckwheat noodle salad. As summer nears its end and fall moves slowly in, it’s nice to have a fulfilling meal that isn’t warm. We often associate satisfying meals with hot, carb-filled plates. But by adding buckwheat noodles to this cold salad, we get all the satisfaction with none of the food coma. Thai...

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Premières impressions

French Nomades

Premières impressions

Toutes photos par @conteska J’en connais probablement autant sur le bois que j’en sais sur le jardinage, c’est-à-dire pas grand-chose. Et puis un jour, je me retrouve à l’autre bout de la terre à Chiang Mai, la plus grande ville de la Thaïlande du Nord, où pendant une semaine je vis entourée de bois, sous toutes ses formes. J’y suis toujours d’ailleurs, avec Shimon, le cofondateur d’Artemano, et Gaby, la directrice du marchandisage dans le cadre d’un voyage d’achat. Je n’ai aucune idée à quoi m’attendre, à part de voir beaucoup de bois.   Le premier fournisseur à qui nous...

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First impressions

English Nomads

First impressions

All photo credits @conteska I know as much about wood as I do about gardening, and that’s not much. That is until I flew across the world to Chiang Mai, the largest city in northern Thailand, and spent a week surrounded by wood in all its forms. I am here with Shimon, Artemano’s co-founder and Gaby, head of merchandising, on a buying trip and I have no idea what to expect, other than lots of wood.   The first supplier we visited was a round-faced man whose business is run from the middle of the forest, where he has constructed...

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Le coffre aux trésors

À propos French

Le coffre aux trésors

Si vous aviez un coffre aux trésors, qu’y mettriez-vous? De l’argent, de l’or, des bijoux ou encore de vieilles photos de famille? Chez Artemano, nous avons aussi notre coffre aux trésors, tout aussi précieux mais totalement unique. Imaginez un coffre aux trésors plus grand que nature, faisant 7 000 pieds carrés, avec des plafonds de 30 pieds. Voilà ce que j’ai découvert lorsque j’ai été accueillie pour la première fois dans le monde d’Artemano. Personne ne m’avait parlé de cet endroit avant que je n’y mette les pieds. J’ai été sidérée par cet espace qui recèle certaines de nos plus précieuses...

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Treasure Box

About English

Treasure Box

If you had a treasure box what items would you place inside? I’m pretty sure that most of you would say money, gold, precious jewellery or old family photographs. For us at Artemano our treasure box is different, but no less important. Imagine a life-size treasure box that measures 7,000 square feet with 30 foot ceilings. This is what I discovered on my first day as I was welcomed into the Artemano world.  No one had mentioned this space to me before I set foot inside. I was blown-away by this incredible room to say the least. My reaction was...

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