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Welcome Home: Celebrating Our Newest Showroom

About English

Welcome Home: Celebrating Our Newest Showroom

All photos credit: The mood inside can only be described as electric.Upbeat, ambient music floats through the space as guests mingled, sipped tea and exploredthe showroom filled with mixed woods and nature-inspired décor. This is the opening celebration for the newest Artemano showroom at The Shops at Don Mills in Toronto, where we welcomed clients and tastemakers to the stunning space. “We wanted to create a Zen, relaxed and nature-inspired atmosphere for this event,” said Yoni Amir, our marketing director. “We want people to come in and de-stress.” Guests certainly seemed to be making themselves at home. As DJ FeelGoodSmalls spun a...

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En direct de notre univers: L'Art De Combiner

À propos French

En direct de notre univers: L'Art De Combiner

Plusieurs de nos clients expriment leur engouement pour les ambiances que nous créons chez Artemano. Ils me disent souvent qu’Artemano les a incités à développer leur sens de la décoration et à découvrir un intérêt pour les produits inspirés de la nature. Ils trouvent notre approche minimaliste du design fascinante et se sentent inspirés par notre manière d’agencer différents types de bois et éléments.                                                                 La création d’un espace...

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Live from our escape: the art of mixing

About English

Live from our escape: the art of mixing

Many clients express their enthusiasm about the creative ambiances we display at Artemano.  They often tell me that Artemano has inspired their flair for decor and love for nature-inspired products. That our minimalistic approach to design is captivating. That they become inspired by the way we mix different woods and elements together. Creating a visually interesting space with dimension and layers, lends itself to one of Artemano’s signature design approaches: the magic of mixing and contrasting different components together. When placing different but right elements together the result can become an artistic expression. Combining different elements like wood, colour, texture...

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Le bois à l'image du vin : manguier

À propos French

Le bois à l'image du vin : manguier

Passez votre main sur le grain du bois et sentez ses rainures, profondes et dures. Cela vous rappellera peut-être les planches d’une grange exposées aux intempéries ou du vieux cuir craquelé. Le rustique évoque un sentiment de sérénité – c’est le caractère du bois de manguier, un arbre gracieux à l’élan calculé malgré la force qui en émane. Observez-le avec attention et appréciez sa symétrie, son sens de l’ordre et de la dignité, et ce, même dans ses marques de détresse. Le bois dans son état brut recèle toujours de beauté. Certaines pièces de grande complexité se rengorgent de leurs...

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Wood as wine: mango

About English

Wood as wine: mango

Run your hand along the grain and you feel the grooves, deep and firm. You may think of weathered barn boards or cracked old leather. That sense of rustic serenity is mango wood expressing its central character. Yet despite its air of power, mango is graceful and precise. Stare at it long enough and you find symmetry, a sense of order and even dignity in the grain and the markings of distress. There's always beauty to be found in that toughness, too. Some highly figured pieces sport curvaceous loops and sweeping curlicues, especially around knots. In other pieces of mango,...

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