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The Metamorphosis of Artemano

About English

The story of Artemano began as an adventure. A journey into unknown territory navigated by its founder, who discovered a new world of possibilities.

In our new series The Metamorphosis of Artemano, we talk to Shimon Finkelstein about a plethora of topics that have shaped Artemano.


This first installment, “Lessons learned” takes a look at what Shimon has learned along this adventure that is just as interesting and exciting today as it was 14 years ago.


“Periodically on my way back from my buying trips, after doing it for over a decade, I ask myself why I do this. My answer is always the same: I’m curious. I was curious as a child. I collected everything and anything that was interesting to me. I picked things off the floor, like rocks and leaves, anything that triggered my curiosity.”


Sometimes you just have to follow your gut. Or in the case of Shimon, who followed his deep-rooted sense of curiosity.  This yearn to learn new things, to seek the unknown, lead him to board a plane, fly across the Atlantic, visit a warehouse-like furniture store owned by a business partner in Switzerland and start a new business venture with little knowledge of the industry.

“I was curious about the grain. I fell in love with the wood. I thought that someone had painted the colours on. I decide this is what I wanted to do.”


Shimon attributes curiosity as that invisible rope pulling him toward the constant growth and success of Artemano. His sense of inquisitiveness, this wanting to learn, to discover, ignited his fascination with the types of woods he was exposed to on that trip to Switzerland.

“My sense of curiosity makes me discover. Search and see beyond the surface and behind the wall.”

After so many years of arduous travel, some people would pass the buying and designing torch to someone else.  Not for Shimon. Curiosity helps overcome physical and mental fatigue. He’s driven by his need to find new things, to explore, to create and to bring it all into the Artemano stratosphere.


“Curiosity is a powerful influencer. Artemano bring atmospheres into people’s homes and will continue to do so thanks to curiosity.”

Creating ambiances  - “Home is an escape and we love to create it.”

“One afternoon while I was at home, as I walked from my kitchen to my deck I had this sensation that one gets when on vacation, that I was somewhere different and exotic.”

This sentence is simple yet it’s rich in meaning. It’s at the core of Artemano’s DNA.  It probably started forming in Shimon’s subconscious during Artemano’s infancy, in the first Artemano store. That was Shimon’s drawing board, the place where his early learnings on furniture started, where he cultivated his first seeds.  As they started taking root, he soon realized that most other furniture stores were doing the same thing. Not being a copy-cat meant to offer something different and more.

“We then decided to design our own furniture.”

This was the first step.  A crucial one. Designing with nature as the guide, as the primary designer, as the one who dictates ultimate colour, cracks, lines and shapes. Artemano signature collections and pieces emerged. They differentiated Artemano as a brand and not just a place to purchase furniture.  This ability to tap into nature’s imperfections, to allow it to shine is what’s been perfected over the course of time. Work that is continuously evolving.


The second step followed seamlessly. It dawned on Shimon that the floor of his store was in constant flux. Furniture was selling at a rapid pace. Entire decors had to be replaced from one day to the next. 

At that moment everything came full circle.  Shimon wanted to capture that feeling. The sentence “Home is an escape and we love to create it” came to life. It solidified itself, became a clear vision in his mind’s eye. Shimon reached for pen and paper to jot down his coined mantra. He knew then, just as he knows now that he was on the cusp of something that would set Artemano apart.

“Today we have become experts in curating ambiances. That’s our product. That’s what we offer.”

 Evoking emotions

“Creating an oasis, enabling people to feel happy that’s what we do.”

There is a direct link between creating ambiances and arousing sensations. Whether it’s the way the light and shadow reflect on a wall, transporting you to another place and time. Or whether it’s the texture of the organic elements that whisper of far away lands.  At Artemano your senses will awaken and be seduced.


Recently, during one of his store visits Shimon met a devoted Artemano customer, who revealed that he is filled with emotion whenever he looks at or engages with his Artemano items. No matter their size, whether he’s sitting at his dining table or in his sofa or just simply looking at a candle holder, he is filled with a sense of peace and tranquility.  A true connection to his personal environment is made.

This ability to calm and soothe, to give people the opportunity to take pause, to have a place to recollect themselves, a place that is a personal-sanctuary, is a gratifying one.

“We live in a time when things are bleak, the world is in a chaotic place.  There are environmental problems, political and economic problems, war. We enable people to escape without having to buy an airplane ticket. To escape at home.”

Understanding and inspiration

“When I heard Leonard Cohen’s Anthem I saw the light and I understood everything about my business.”

In the early days, Shimon used to apologize for the cracks, markings and colour variations in the woods. He tried to fix the imperfections to please the customers.

“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”


Once he heard the song’s chorus he recognized that it was unnecessary to mend all of those imperfections. Nature is perfect in its creation. Those crevasses, those knots, those uneven shapes and lines, that’s what really makes the story, gives each Artemano piece character and its unique personality.  This newly acquired understanding also became a source of inspiration.  There was no turning back.  

“Part of my buying process is about creating the piece in the field.”

Shimon is not merely a wood or furniture buyer, he is a creator of original pieces. He takes a hands-on approach in designing each piece, he is inspired by nature and personally chooses each piece of wood. He works closely with his suppliers who ensure that someone is there assisting him, cutting the wood in accordance to his vision. He guides and helps transform it into an item that is to live and be part of the larger picture, the Artemano escape. 


“I can envision what a raw piece will look like. I see it in my mind. I also see and know where it will live. This ability to express oneself is an amazing gift. Especially when it’s within a business framework. It’s extremely satisfying and the highest level of freedom.”


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