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News — English

A new definition of magic

English Nomads

A new definition of magic

I’m home again after visiting a Thailand most of you will never see.    I’ve walked through forests of fallen logs and explored massive factories filled with people making the things we buy. I’ve photographed workshops, my ears bursting with the zzzzzzZZZZZZZ of chainsaws from which furniture takes it’s shape, and I’ve sat in suppliers’ offices and watched as everyone tap-tap-tapped away on calculators, searching for numbers on which they could agree. It was a crash course in Artemano, behind the scenes. I know now what it means to run a business that depends on one continent to feed the...

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It's Thai Time!

English Nomads

It's Thai Time!

What if your friend told you that she had been offered a trip to Thailand by a brand that she loves. Would you hug her or “mistakenly” spill your latte on her overexcited head? Soon I will exchange the concrete jungle that is Montreal for the green jungles of Chiang Mai in the north of Thailand, to explore how Artemano creates furniture that reminds us so much of Elsewhere and makes our homes feel like the best kind of escape. And I understand if you want to pour your latte on my head, but before you do, consider this an...

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A Different Way To Travel

English Nomads

A Different Way To Travel

I consider myself lucky because I started travelling at a young age. I visited Europe for the first time at the age of seven and I loved every minute of it. By taking me to different countries and exposing me to different cultures my parents instilled within me a love of travelling that I still have to this day. My curiosity, my craving to see and discover new places and peoples, pushed me to travel alone (as those of you who have read my “Beauty in Imperfection” post already know) to Florence, Italy at the age of nineteen.  That might...

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Time for spring decluttering

English Lifestyle

Time for spring decluttering

In northern countries like Canada, as the “lazy days of winter” roll by, so does the dust that collects inside our homes. It’s no wonder that, when March comes around, many people like to welcome springtime with a thorough housecleaning. Obviously, spring cleaning means washing windows, freshening up the bedding, scouring the cabinets, and dusting off curios and wall hangings. But beyond cleaning per se, spring is also the best time of year to tidy up the house and clear the clutter. Here at Artemano, we take this opportunity to get rid of the non-essentials: recycling jars and boxes, donating...

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An unexpected oasis

English Lifestyle

An unexpected oasis

Decorative sheep look out onto Sherbrooke street West from two large front windows. This isn’t the typical vignette that you would see in a store front that lines the street. Your gut tells you that you’re in for a special treat as soon as you approach this veterinarian clinic in Montreal’s N.D.G neighbourhood. Once you open the door and take your first step inside, your hunch is confirmed. Before you is an ambiance that is drastically different from your typical animal clinic. In 2015, when Allan Gilmore needed extra space and decided to open up an off-shoot of his first...

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