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Time for spring decluttering

English Lifestyle

In northern countries like Canada, as the “lazy days of winter” roll by, so does the dust that collects inside our homes. It’s no wonder that, when March comes around, many people like to welcome springtime with a thorough housecleaning.

Obviously, spring cleaning means washing windows, freshening up the bedding, scouring the cabinets, and dusting off curios and wall hangings.

But beyond cleaning per se, spring is also the best time of year to tidy up the house and clear the clutter.

Here at Artemano, we take this opportunity to get rid of the non-essentials: recycling jars and boxes, donating to charity or loved ones any items—like pieces of clothing we haven’t worn all year!—which would otherwise end up in a landfill. Some of us even enjoy putting on a garage sale with our relatives or neighbours!


Then, once our environment is clutter-free, we believe that paring down and readjusting our home decor is a wonderful way of getting in touch with Nature, starting off a new cycle… something we call humble re-beginnings. Oftentimes, this outward renewal makes us look inward, and leads us to embrace a way of life based on simplicity and sophistication, rather than abundance and accumulation. This is our inner self, telling us that we need a bright and airy space to nurture the soul.

When rearranging a room, we revitalize the space, let the energy flow freely, and create a new and refined ambiance, in tune with the spring awakening outside our doors.

Remember, a little dust will continue to settle nonetheless! But Artemano loves it for what it represents: a fine, vaporous, wavering body, shrouded in grey. Human beings also need darkness.


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