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About English

Any day now, snow will first start to scatter on our streets. It will then turn the autumn foliage into a crisp, white backdrop declaring winter’s arrival and hinting at the holiday season to come.

An inundation of everything that is holidays will take over our lives. We will be busy with gift buying. Flooded with preparations from cooking and getting our homes holiday-ready, and running from family dinners to office parties.

In the midst of this hectic time of year, we often just go through the motions. We easily forget to pause for a minute, to breathe, to reflect, to actually experience the best that the holidays have to offer and to enjoy their true meaning.

For us at Artemano stepping away from the holiday chaos in order to actually feel and take in its beauty and magic is of utmost importance.  We place an emphasis on being present with our friends and family. We disconnect from our regular routines and carve time to fully devote ourselves to loved ones.

Celebrating the season at Artemano means sharing stories, laughing at jokes, dancing and singing, savouring delicious food and drink within warm, embracing, enchanting settings. Ambiances that encourage, accentuate human connections. 

Ornate decorations and fanfare are not at the epicenter of the Artemano holiday season. Simple, pared down décor with hints of the holiday is what you’ll find in our homes. We love to create inviting, magical environments where time isn’t measured and the moments seem endless.  Where the memories that are being built won’t be lost, but rather captured, stored and for years will put smiles on the faces of those who are creating them.  

Here’s to families who will gather around dining tables to talk away the night. Here’s to lighting that will cast a special, dreamlike glow within homes. Here’s to cozy moments reading in front of fire places, our feet tucked under blankets. Here’s to savouring long mornings in our beds. Here’s a toast to what we hope will be an unforgettable holiday season.

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