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News — English

The Artemano Clean Chocolate Fondue

English Foodies

The Artemano Clean Chocolate Fondue

While Artemano searches the far reaches of the world to bring nature’s wonders into the home, my challenge is to constantly create recipes using exceptional organic ingredients that are clean and promote healthy eating. Just as Artemano choses its nature-inspired pieces as if they were decorating their own home, I pick ingredients that I would eat and feed to my own friends and family. For the holiday season, I opted to turn the traditional chocolate fondue on its head. The outcome is a Clean Fondue that can be enjoyed by people with all types of dietary restrictions. With healthy fats...

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Fragrant spices take us on a sensory journey.

English Lifestyle

Fragrant spices take us on a sensory journey.

All photos credit: Lynda Felton The history of spice has always been entwined with travel and adventure. The sweet yet earthy aroma of grated nutmeg, for example, evokes memories of imbibing Indonesian soups and holiday egg nogs in cabins in Quebec. The sensory appeal of these flavourful seasonings goes beyond food: As autumn and winter approach and we spend more time indoors, we can use spices to refresh our living spaces by literally clearing the air. Here’s how you can create a more homey space using natural ingredients.   Spicy Simmer For an instant air freshener, one of our favourite...

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Moments of escape

English Lifestyle

Moments of escape

What was your favourite moment this summer? Was it sitting by the lake quietly watching its mirror like surface capture every ray of sunlight? Was it sipping a cold drink on your outdoor terrace amidst the laughter and chatter of family and friends? Was it falling asleep to the music of crickets? Was it those early mornings listening to the sing-song conversations of birds?  It may be difficult to choose because summer is like a hot bubble filled with carefree, lingering days that seem to expand and last forever.  A bubble that is filled with many precious moments. Snippets of...

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The joy of the staycation

English Lifestyle

The joy of the staycation

There’s something extremely pleasant about returning home after a long journey - the familiar scents of coffee and laundry, the welcoming arms of your favorite chair. But there’s something even nicer about waking up in your own bed with a few unplanned days ahead of you. As far-flung travel becomes ever more within reach, we sometimes forget to enjoy the space we’ve worked so hard to obtain - our homes. I’ve traveled to 25 countries and 3 continents, seen dolphins playing in the Indian Ocean and zip-lined through the jungles of Costa Rica. Yet since I was a child I’ve...

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Functional Décor

About English

Functional Décor

One of my favourite client requests is: "make my home perfect"!"No problem!", I always respond. But what does that really mean? My design philosophy is that a home has to be gorgeous and functional at the same time.  Gone are the days of ‘museum rooms’ with plastic over the sofa! Instead, lets create beautiful spaces that the whole family can use – adults and children alike- without compromising style. With that in mind, here are my foolproof tips on creating a home that incorporates functionality in its décor. Use appropriate materials –High traffic areas, such as the kitchen or family room...

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