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Moments of escape

English Lifestyle

What was your favourite moment this summer? Was it sitting by the lake quietly watching its mirror like surface capture every ray of sunlight? Was it sipping a cold drink on your outdoor terrace amidst the laughter and chatter of family and friends? Was it falling asleep to the music of crickets? Was it those early mornings listening to the sing-song conversations of birds? 

It may be difficult to choose because summer is like a hot bubble filled with carefree, lingering days that seem to expand and last forever.  A bubble that is filled with many precious moments. Snippets of time that we’d love to capture and keep in a glass jar, perhaps the way we tried to capture a snail or caterpillar when we were children. 


With summer’s end our days slowly transform.  Their relaxed, leisurely tone turns hectic and busy.  With the advent of fall we return to regular work schedules and school.  We slowly become consumed by a vortex of never-ending to-do lists, structure and routine. The whole world seems to accelerate. To unintentionally step away and forget to take time to enjoy the moment.

Stopping daily whether it be for five minutes or even longer, to relish a slice of time, as one would relish a slice of cake, is a precious ritual that is continuous for us at Artemano. Moments of escape are part of our existence. We are creators of ambiances that foster moments to decompress, to actually listen to our breath, to be present, to relax.  Carving out atmospheres that enable us to own a special few minutes every day is the foundation of the Artemano lifeline. It’s our raison d’être/why we exist.


Moments of escape are all around us. We just need to recognize them, take pause and appreciate their existence. Even with the return of routine, when we become embroiled in its fast-paced momentum. Whether it be those few instants after we’ve turned off the alarm button to really feel the comfort and softness of our beds, before the morning rush; while savouring a cup of tea in our kitchen as we chop vegetables in prep for dinner; or devouring the words off our page-turner in our low-lit living room at the very end of the day when the kids are tucked away in their beds and the only sounds to be heard are the creaks and cracks of our homes.

Going back to routine doesn’t mean that we have to let go of the laidback moments we so cherished and that were plentiful during summer. On the contrary, at Artemano we dedicate and place importance on moments of escape even more when daily demands are at their peak. Because they brings us comfort, tranquility and peace. Our ambiances offer unique living conditions where moments of escape can easily unravel. This is a celebration of daily life.


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