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Spring Cleaning

English Lifestyle

For some of us, spring means spring-cleaning – that frenzied feeling of having too much stuff: too many books threatening to leap off their shelves, too many pictures crowding the walls, too many clothes trying to escape the closet.

This feeling of being crowded by our things is sometimes reflected inside us as well: maybe you crave more space inside and outside yourself to hear yourself think, to allow yourself to plan the future, or simply to enjoy the present. Perhaps you are spring-cleaning yourself, airing out the dark corners where your bad habits or negative thinking like to hide. Think of these as being the orange linoleum floor tiles of your soul – outdated and painful to live with.

Our mental clutter may have been useful once - it probably even helped us become who we are today - it’s not surprising that most of us have a deeply ingrained way of not seeing it inside ourselves.  We can live our entire lives this way, or we can seek self-awareness - the knowledge that we are responsible for who we are, and the wisdom to accept that we can’t control the rest.

Just as we notice every tiny sign that nature is coming back to life – from that bud on the tree to the green sprout pushing through the ground - this is the time to appreciate simplicity in ourselves. Welcome this season of renewal, a chance to choose what truly reflects who you are and who you want to become, whether it’s a way of decorating your home, or the way you choose to live your life.

How you live matters. Artemano wishes you a spring full of growth.

Via Sophie Tarnowska

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