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English Lifestyle

What inspired the works of the world’s greatest artists, filmmakers, actors, singers and authors?  That’s definitely a question I’d like to ask someone like Edouard Manet, one of my favourite painters, or Jean-Luc Godard, a director whose films I truly admire. I wonder what inspired and drove these two individuals to create outstanding pieces of art that I not only love, but that enriched my life from the instant that I was first exposed to them.  



Inspiration is on my mind today because Shimon has returned from his latest trip to India, Thailand and Cambodia. He’s come back not only elated and excited about all the incredible things that are to be introduced at Artemano in the coming months, but inspired by the people he spent time with and the items he discovered. Every time I speak to Shimon I’m reminded of how important inspiration is to him and how it is a fundamental building-block in Artemano’s DNA. 

Whether its nature, a child, a movie, a book, a poem or even the way sunlight illuminates the plant on your window sill, inspiration is there all the time. I think you just have to know how to look for it. Inspiration can happen daily and to all of us.

Sometimes inspiration comes from within, when we listen to our inner voice or gut. Maybe that’s why some individuals practice yoga and meditation because it helps them look inward? Maybe all that is required is to let go, relax, disengage from daily stresses and from the overwhelming amounts of information that we constantly receive?

For a writer, like myself, inspiration is without a doubt, crucial. It’s what feeds and fosters my creativity. Sometimes I feel stuck, but once my inspiration kicks in it, it flows. The ideas are then unleashed and build upon themselves.   I draw inspiration from countless situations, people and places. And now that spring is here I find that my inspiration is truly in full swing. Perhaps it’s the season’s rejuvenating quality that stirs my creativity or the promise of brighter, longer days? I urge you to get inspired too. You don’t have to paint a masterpiece or direct an Oscar winning film. You can simply try out a new recipe, listen to new music or add a new accessory to your home.

Via Elizabeth Dela Vega

Whatever it is that inspires you, I’d love for you to tell me about it in the comments section below.

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