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Home is a mast

English Lifestyle

The word Home means so many things to so many people:

A place to escape the world.

A place to welcome the world, such as our friends, our family, our lovers, our pets.

A place to store the things we need. 

A place to make space for oneself, away from the noisiness of the outside world.

Home is the mast of our ship. From the safety of our homes, we can dream about the next trip, the next job, the next challenge. Home is where we try on versions of ourselves that we are not ready to show the outside world. There, we wear ridiculous pajamas, play cheesy songs we would never admit to liking in public and sometimes we even dance like spastic chickens from one end of the house to the other.  Because home is not just where the heart is, it’s where the safety is.

We love our homes because we belong to our homes. You can own a place, but if you don’t feel you belong there, it’s just your house, not your home. You may even have chosen your home based on a gut reaction: I belong here, it feels like home.  

Home can be whatever you need it to be, depending on what’s happening in your life: your haven, your mast, or simply, your space. We all need to belong somewhere.

Home is where the you is.

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