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The Nature of Love

English Lifestyle

Walking through the forest in winter, we become aware of the fresh nip of pine, the crunch of snow, the sparkle of frost. By the ocean, our breathing deepens as it falls into synch with the crashing waves. Atop a mountain, we understand on a cellular level our humble place in the bigger picture. Nature is wild and grand and dramatic—it makes us feel alive. It’s a lot like love.

As we enter a new romance, our racing thoughts and desire to control events give way to a heightened spontaneity. We’re moved to act on intuition, and we effortlessly attune to the sensibilities of our loved one.


In this more sensual mode of being, we better appreciate the softness of blankets and the coolness of sheets against our skin. Everything seems more vivid and intense, and yet our mood is more sereneWe notice little things of beauty and fleeting moments of grace in our daily lives, yet we’reless reactive to minor disappointmentsBeing in love brings us into the flow.

At Artemano, everything we create is inspired by nature, because we believe it brings us closer to our essence and the perfectly imperfect state of love. Just like each partner takes their quirks and personal histories into a relationship to co-create a unique love story, every time we craft a bed or a nightstand, we select character-imbued pieces of wood, which together infuse that bigger piece of bedroom furniture with inimitable personality.

Rather than see fault in the unpredictable swirls of a wood’s grain, the variations in its colour, or the undulations of its live edge, we see character and life. It’s a lot like how the happiest couples revel in their significant other’s funny little ways and the badges of their lived experiences—the laughter lines, the stretch marks, the faded scars.

We can make lists of everything we seek in a mate, but at the end of the day, true love is surprising—it’s about recognizing beauty as it reveals itself and letting go of preconceived ideas. At Artemano we embrace the idiosyncratic.


Like the natural world, love has its seasons. The sparse beauty of winter berries and evergreen branches against snowis no less remarkable than the vibrancy of unfurling new leaves under a spring sun or the majesty of fall’s display.At Artemano, we celebrate flux and the richness that time brings to natural materials. Every extra ring on a tree pays testimony to growth and to storms survived.

We handcraft our beds from mature and solid natural materials, such as rosewood, acacia and suar. We celebrate authenticity and we allow each piece to shine, authentic and unadorned. We can’t imagine anywhere more fitting than an Artemano bed to keep warm, entwinedwith the one we love when it’s cold outside. It’s the natural place to anchor our shared dreams.


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