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The Bedroom is a sanctuary

About English

By definition a sanctuary is a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter, a safe dwelling, a refuge.  As a whole we feel home should represent all of the aforementioned.  But if we were to pinpoint a specific room within a home that we consider a sanctuary, it’s definitely the bedroom. 

Every night we enter our bedrooms and let go. We lie on our beds, unwind and recharge.

For us at Artemano, the bedroom is special and sacred. We believe in creating an ambiance and an environment that is conducive to maximizing the everyday, intimate moments that take place in the bedroom. And not just physical ones. We’re referring to the instances when we lay in bed at the end of the day or late at night, with the person we share our life with, and just talk, whether it be about our day, about our family, about our hopes and dreams. It’s where we make plans for the near and not-so near future. It’s where we whisper, cry, laugh, argue, sleep, wake-up, get dressed, stretch, tickle and cuddle with our children. It’s also where the magical experience of being carried off into the land of dreams occurs. 

Making our bedroom into a spot where we fully take advantage of the precious moments that unfold daily and the magic of dreaming isn’t difficult. At Artemano our bedrooms exude comfort and include all the elements that are necessary into making it our sanctuary.

We pay attention to the details in our bedrooms. We use the right sheets and bedding that offer us complete comfort. We hang photographs or art that gives us reason to smile. We surround ourselves with mementos that are dear to us. We use the right lighting because it makes all the difference and creates an atmosphere that is just as magical as our dreams. We like subdued lighting, for a soothing and calm environment. We play with shadow and light.

We play music in our bedrooms. We watch TV in our bedrooms. We read books and magazines in our bedrooms. We like to include many elements that make us happy and make of it an environment that we enjoy.  Now it’s your turn.  Share with us your ideas on how you turn your bedroom into your sanctuary.

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