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News — English

Holiday Checklist

English Lifestyle

Holiday Checklist

Opening our home to friends and family is something that we at Artemano love to do year round.  And we make sure that we are always ready by creating ambiances that are simple, durable and inviting. But the holiday season is a time with even more reasons to make our home warm and relaxing because this is the season of togetherness and a chance for the Artemano ambiance to flex its entertaining credentials.   Rather than suggesting the usual clichés of a warm stoked fire; a carefully curated playlist; and good food, we ask that ahead of this magical time,...

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Gracie Caroll’s Tips for a Stylish Table

English Lifestyle

Gracie Caroll’s Tips for a Stylish Table

Gracie Caroll may lead a glamourous life as a style blogger, but the parties she throws at home are decidedly laid back. “In the summer I had a taco and margarita party that was super fun,” she said. “I made everything easy so I could spend time with my friends, rather than being stuck in the kitchen worrying about it all being perfect.” We invited Gracie to Artemano to share her tips for styling an inviting table with elements that set a fun and relaxed mood.  Whether it’s a family dinner or a get-together with cocktails, the heart of any...

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Reviving the Family Dinner

English Lifestyle

Reviving the Family Dinner

Summer at my place was a time of long, lingering meals. School was out; nobody was in a rush; and it was so relaxing to stick around on a warm evening at the patio table and chat. Come September, the rhythms of life and nature will inevitably change: the colder weather brings my family indoors and life becomes a whirlwind of work, study and social activities. But I want to hold onto the ritual of family dinners and checking in with everyone about their day… their weekend plans… their feelings on some breaking news story. It’s easy to grab a...

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Drying Herbs

English Lifestyle

Drying Herbs

All photos credit: Lynda Felton As we move closer to autumn, it’s time to start thinking of ways to make the bounty of the garden last into the winter months.  Preserving fruits and pickling vegetables has become a popular pastime for those who wish to preserve the flavours of nature throughout the fall and winter months.  Drying herbs and flowers is another way to bring the aromas and colours of the outdoors inside year round. We often use herbs such as Sage, Lavender, Chamomile and Rosemary to add an extra sensory appeal to our lives.  On a purely practical level...

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The beauty of workspaces

English Lifestyle

The beauty of workspaces

Here’s how to get your desk into working order August. Summer’s cottage weekends and long lazy days continue, but our minds begin to drift towards September, to the school run and new projects at work. This year, face the challenges of a busy fall head on with a beautiful, organized, work space. No matter whether you have a full home office, or you’re just trying to carve out a corner of the dining room for your kids to do homework, there are a lot of things you can do to improve your desk environment and make it a place where...

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