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About English


Long dinners that stretch into the night filled with wine, overflowing with laughter and conversation that covers everyday trivialities to existential questions. Cozy evenings lounging on spacious, comfortable couches reminiscing with family and friends in living rooms. Music gliding in between walls prompting sing-a-longs and dance parties.


These experiences are the make-up of life. Precious and memorable. Times we think back to; smile to ourselves about. Times that pull at our heart’s strings. That we miss, yearn to recreate and live through again.

In this third instalment of the Metamorphosis of Artemano we talk to Shimon Finkelstein about these experiences, about their significance and how they are the roots that hold us together.



Roots connect us to the past. They keep us grounded to the present. They have us looking forward to the future. They offer a foundation, meaning and purpose.

When the presence and noise of everyday human activity fill up a home, when there’s human chatter, people recounting their daily events, when there’s children playing, friends visiting, the home becomes vibrant. It goes from being a static entity to being alive.

The home becomes a witness and bares all of our human experiences from the routinely mundane to those singular, unforgettable moments. Our furniture even though it may not be able to express itself verbally tells our story. It speaks through each one of its unique characteristics.  Every single mark, curve, groove, crack in our tables and headboards has been shaped and is filled with sounds, images, emotions, memories that assembled together would tell a whole narrative. Like a film unfolding before us.




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