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Finding a piece of Thailand back home

English Lifestyle

When Shiva Rezaian travelled to Thailand with her family and some friends in December 2015 little did she know that her trip was going to shape her life. The three weeks spent in Thailand were magical experience. Everlasting memories were created. A newfound sense of tranquility and well-being were discovered. “We visited different Islands. Everything we saw was beautiful and breathtaking. It wasn’t just the sandy beaches.  The rain forest and mountains were just as amazing. It was a dream destination for us, it’s paradise on earth. The kids got the chance to see and visit temples, which was more exciting than Disney world for them. They learned and experienced a new culture.”  

Captivated by the surroundings and furniture at one particular hotel they were staying at, Shiva expressed to one of her travelling companions how she wished to furnish her home in a similar fashion. “I just fell in love with the wood pieces. It was all so calming.” To her surprise her friend mentioned the existence of Artemano back home. 

Once back from Thailand, Shiva, her husband Somnuk and their two children Mikaela, 12 and Mathis, 10 decided to have a look for themselves. When visiting Artemano they were awestruck. The decision to furnish their home with Artemano was not only a simple, natural one to make, it inspired and ignited a bigger change for the family. Artemano reminded them of that hotel, of their three wonderful weeks spent on the vacation of a lifetime. They went ahead and made a drastic move. They sold their home and bought a new one. “Our previous style was more antique. The Artemano pieces didn’t fit the way we wanted them to. We moved into our new home in June and we furnished the office, dining room and master bedroom with Artemano.” 

As a fan and customer, Shiva follows Artemano’s facebook page and browses the web site. She’s curious and interested in learning about new collections and decorating ideas.  She couldn’t pass up the opportunity to win an Artemano makeover that would see the transformation of her living room, the last room in her home that was missing the unique Artemano touch.  

When Shiva learned that she actually won Artemano’s latest transformation contest she couldn’t contain her excitement, “I started screaming at the office and then called my husband. It was the first time in my life that I won something and especially from a place that I loved.” The whole family was excited. Now the living room has become a space that the family is actually using, unlike before where it was devoid of human presence and interaction. “It’s inspiring now, much more welcoming and more livable. My husband and I sit there and enjoy a glass of wine, and the kids hang out there too.” 



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