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Creating Valentine’s Day Ambiances

About English

We think that home is the most romantic place to be on Valentine’s Day.  If you’re like us and prefer to stay in on this holiday, here are some tips on how to infuse your home with the ultimate romantic ambiances.


Effective Lighting

Valentine’s Day is a great reason to create dramatic, romantic lighting.  After all, our goal is to create a specific mood and the right lighting can make all the difference. It helps expose textures and colours, and highlights the special touches and details that you may want to showcase.

One way to easily achieve this is by warm lighting.  A lamp that projects mesmerising patterns throughout a room gives it an enchanting, magical feel.  Whichever room it is used in and whether placed above a dining table or on night tables, the lamp can fill the room with a fairy-tale like quality and turn it into a personal getaway. And why not place it in a bathroom to enhance the mood while you draw your special someone an oil infused bubble bath?

How about using soft yet focused lighting to attract your loved one’s attention to a love letter or gift?

Candles are also a good idea. You can disperse them throughout a room, have them light a staircase or create a lighted pathway toward a specific destination in your home. For maximum impact, place them in a cluster on your dining room table or coffee table, or inside your fireplace.

Wood and texture

Incorporating wood into your decor will definitely elevate your Valentine’s Day ambiance. Because wood is an organic material that is sensual and complex in character – thanks to its different grains and colours - it engages the senses. It’s beautiful to look at and pleasant to touch.  Whether you use it sparingly or in larger quantities it adds warmth and coziness.  As an added bonus since it’s a natural element that originates from the earth it also promotes connectivity to nature and therefore encourages relaxation.

A freeform wood piece, like a bench or day bed, is fun to include into your Valentine’s Day décor. These types of pieces feature distinct delicate curves, lines and forms that can give your ambiance the right dose of sensuality and of the spectacular. Place a simple monochrome coloured throw or pillow on these. It’s a simple and small detail that will add dimension to your interior.

For comfort we love the idea of marrying wood furniture with natural linens. Feel free to sprinkle rose petals on the bed, since neutral colours are the perfect background to bring out their red hue.


There’s nothing wrong with dining the traditional way. A simple table setting is what we normally prefer. But we think that Valentine’s Day is the right opportunity to express your inner child. So why not set up dinner for two on a coffee table and sit on cushions.


If you’re feeling totally adventurous creating an indoor tent you can add a little whimsicality to your ambiance. It’s all in the details. Use poufs, blankets, pillows, add a small touch of wood and the right lighting and you’re sure to make this Valentine’s Day count!


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